Alennukseen oikeuttavat tuotteet (lahjakortit rajattu pois)

Tämä collection sisältää kaikki muut tuotteet paitsi Fazer Café lahjakortit (tuotteet, joiden nimeämiseen on käytetty tekstiä Fazer Café)

Collectionia käytetään alennuskoodien kohdentamiseen, sillä saadaan poissuljettua fyysiset lahjakorttituotteet alennuksen piiristä. 
Remix Movies candy bag 300g

Remix Movies candy bag 300g

SALE -20% Best before 18.2.2025 Remix Movies candy bag elevates movie nights to the next level wi...

Regular price €3.40 €2.70 €9.00/kg

Fazer MINI Candy Box

Fazer MINI Candy Box The Mini Candy Box slips right through the mailbox 💌 Taste the Fazer Remix...


Remix Irttarit candy bag 500g

Remix is the most versatile candy mix on the market, offering options for every candy enthusiast....

€5.25 €10.50/kg
Pantteri +choco candy bag 220g

Pantteri +choco candy bag 220g

SALE -20% Best before 18.2.2025 Pantteri (Panther) is a salty-sweet liquorice that will bring out...

Regular price €3.00 €2.40 €10.91/kg

Salmiakki 4-pack 160g pastilles

Fazer Salmiakki – a classic that needs no introduction! The original, authentic Finnish salty liq...

€4.95 Temporarily sold out €30.94/kg
Temporarily sold out
Islanti candies 375g

Islanti candies 375g

Islanti is a classic sweet known for its wrapper with polar bear illustrations. Open the wrapper ...

€7.50 €20.00/kg
Kiss-kiss 375g

Kiss-kiss 375g

Finns have been enjoying Kiss-Kiss sweets since 1897. Kiss-Kiss was registered in 1901 and is Fin...

€7.50 Temporarily sold out €20.00/kg
Temporarily sold out
Pantteri Fruit pastilles 70g

Pantteri Fruit pastilles 70g

SALE -40%. Best before 17.2.2025 Pantteri brings out your feline instincts. Pantteri Fruit pastil...

Regular price €34.70 €20.80 / 16 pcs €18.57/kg
Remix XOXO candy bag 300g

Remix XOXO candy bag 300g

The love-packed Remix XOXO candy bag will thrill you with an exceptionally diverse mix of delecta...

€3.40 €11.33/kg

Ässä Mini fruit pastille 40g

The beloved candy brand Ässä jumps into a pastille box! These tiny, colorful fruit candies are a ...

€26.00 Temporarily sold out €650.00/kg
Temporarily sold out

Fazer Dumle candy stick 20g

Dumle is a joyful classic that will never grow up. Delicious chocolate and toffee tasting candy s...

€10.40 / 30 pcs €17.33/kg
Remix Mini Mix candy bag 110g

Remix Mini Mix candy bag 110g

Familiar favourite candies Remixed – in a new smaller bag size! Remix Mini Mix is a diverse mix o...

€1.65 €15.00/kg