Alennukseen oikeuttavat tuotteet (lahjakortit rajattu pois)

Tämä collection sisältää kaikki muut tuotteet paitsi Fazer Café lahjakortit (tuotteet, joiden nimeämiseen on käytetty tekstiä Fazer Café)

Collectionia käytetään alennuskoodien kohdentamiseen, sillä saadaan poissuljettua fyysiset lahjakorttituotteet alennuksen piiristä. 

Julia 320 g

Julia brings together dark chocolate and fruit marmalade. Julia chocolates have delighted Finns s...

€5.95 Temporarily sold out €18.59/kg
Temporarily sold out

Fazer Green Jellies 260g

Fazer’s Green Jellies are an irresistible jelly classic. Luxuriously soft and smooth, Green Jelli...

€4.95 €19.04/kg

Karl Fazer Milk Chocolate 39 g

The Karl Fazer Milk Chocolate countline is a classic. Karl Fazer Milk Chocolate is perfect for ev...

€33.50 / 35 pcs €24.54/kg

Fazer Cinnamon Rolls 240 g

Fazer Cinnamon Rolls have a wonderfully soft texture and an enchanting cinnamon filling. Please n...

€2.70 €11.25/kg

American dragee 175g

American Pastilles are a beloved chocolate classic with a crispy coating and rich milk chocolate ...

€4.20 €24.00/kg

Karl Fazer Suffeli milk chocolate 198 g

Made from fresh milk, Karl Fazer Suffeli rice puffs chocolate bar is filled with delicious, crisp...

€4.35 Temporarily sold out €21.97/kg
Temporarily sold out

Finlandia 500 g

Finlandia is a delightful Finnish marmalade candy with a hundred years of history. There are five...

€6.95 Temporarily sold out €13.90/kg
Temporarily sold out

Fazer Doris Truffle 250 g

Fazer Doris is the classic biscuit for special occasions, which will conquer new hearts. The secr...

€4.20 €16.80/kg

Karl Fazer Avec 200 g

Karl Fazer Avec includes classic mint lentils combined with premium milk chocolate made from fres...

€4.35 €21.75/kg

Fazer classic selection 290g

The Fazer classic selection is an assortment of Fazer’s most loved brands in chocolate form, sure...

€6.90 Temporarily sold out €23.79/kg
Temporarily sold out